Safety Precautions
Start to Finish Employment Services will continue to provide in-person center based services, supported community integration outings and, remote services per our client’s request. Start to Finish Employment Services will continue to follow and stay updated on CDC guidelines. In doing so we have developed the following practices:
We have implemented an infectious disease preparedness and response plan to protect our employees, clients and staff from COVID-19 following the recommendations and guidance of the CDC, OSHA, HHS, and other applicable federal, state, and local health authorities. These plans include specific steps to follow if an employee or client gets COVID-19 and protocols for isolating employees and clients who become ill at work. If any employee or client is confirmed to have COVID-19, the company will address and isolate employees and clients working near the infected co-worker.
To ensure the safety of our clients and staff, Start to Finish Employment Services, LLC has also implemented a mandatory COVID-19 training and weekly COVID-19 tests that must be conducted prior to receiving in-person services.

We have implemented the following preventive measures:
Intensifying cleaning, disinfection (including deep disinfection prior to employees and clients reporting to work).
Providing a place and supplies to wash hands or alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 70% alcohol.
Restricting the use of shared space and items (e.g. tools, equipment, workstations, etc).
Utilizing proper ventilation.
Training all staff in COVID-19 related safety actions.
Sick employees and clients stay home as appropriate.
Weekly COVID-19 Testing required for both Career Navigator and Client.
Both Career Navigator and Client will be instructed to “self check” their temperature and check for any symptoms related to COVID-19 before leaving their home to receive or provide services for the day.
Encouraging workers to report any safety and health concerns.
We have established routine, daily self-health checks which include temperature checks using thermometers before employees and clients are allowed on the premises at the beginning of their shift. If temperature is 100.4ºF or higher, or the employee or client exhibits visible symptoms of illness consistent with COVID-19, the employee will be asked to leave work and return home to self-quarantine. If an employee does not accept the screening, the company will request the employee or client leave work, obtain medical clearance and provide an official certificate prior to returning to the company premises.